Your Journey has molded you for the greater good. It was exactly what it needed to be. Don't think you've lost time.
It took each and every situation you have encountered to bring you to the now. And now is right on time." - Asha Tyson

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Just some more adventures

On Friday we went back to Lagoon for our bounceback. It was a lot less crowded and we had a great time. We reminisced about how the Colossus used to be the coolest ride with the longest line and now you basically get right on! Also I was so proud that James said "we should take a picture" while we were in line. Aw my little picture hater is coming around. I knew he would.

And of course we spent some good time in Pioneer Village, especially looking at the guns. James' favorite part. :)

Saturday after work we did errands, went antique shopping where I found my dream stove. (too bad it was sold, plus also I have no house.... ) but one day I am going to have a vintage kitchen I decided. I love antique shopping! And I love that James likes it too!

We had dinner at Little America then stayed at Anniversary Inn in the Mysteries of Egypt room. It was fun for a little change of pace. The lighting was strange so my pictures did not turn out great.

On Sunday we went to the gun show. James bought me a gun so that I can get better at shooting. I love our adventures.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

I'm Spoiled

We had such a fun weekend. Saturday we went to Lagoon, I didn't take pictures (what is happening to me?!) But we went on rides, I got cotton candy, James even won me a little teddy bear. Awwwww! We enjoyed time in Pioneer Villiage and saw my family a litte bit. Thanks to Jessica and eBay for the cheap tickets :)

I did make James take one picture in the parking lot when we were about to leave

James also got me a fancy new phone. The Samsung Galexy S III. I love it. And we switched back to Verizon. T-mobile just wasn't cutting it for us. We love Verizon's 4G!

And finally, Hunger Games came out on DVD. So James got it for me AND watched it with me (well I fell asleep but its the thought that counts)

**Disclaimer, I look naked but I was just wearing a tank top. I swear! lol**

I even made REAL popcorn (not microwave popcorn) for the occation.

 Hunger Games+popcorn+cuddling with my honey= happiness.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Antelope Island

James and I took Carter to Antelope Island last week. I had bever been. I enjoyed being outside and spending time with those cute boys! :)

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Summer Fun!

We have been having lots of fun this summer! Trips to the zoo, to the Copper Mine, Temple Square, James and I have been going camping a lot and just this weekend went down to Fillmore to check out Cove Fort Days. We had lots of reminders from 3 months ago when we passed through :)

We stayed at a cabin at the Fillmore KOA, It was fun but we were sad because they wouldn't let us have a campfire! Lame. But I guess we don't want to be responsible for a fire.... so we complied.

Here are some pictures of our recent adventures.

Copper Mine

