Your Journey has molded you for the greater good. It was exactly what it needed to be. Don't think you've lost time.
It took each and every situation you have encountered to bring you to the now. And now is right on time." - Asha Tyson

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

and then my world changed.

oct 30 2008.  4 years ago. i found out i was pregnant and thus began the most bittersweet 9 months of my life. so much anxiety. so miserable. so blessed.

this is blastocyst carter. 

i made no bake cookies to celebrate my own little achievement. james went to the store at ten pm for butter so that i could conquer this quest. he is the best. and can i just say that no bake cookies sure make me happy :-)

i'll be loving you for quite sometime....

James got me the new taylor swift cd and i love it.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

a day in the life

in instagram photos! i picked a day last week and took random pictures of my ordinary daily life.

The first thing I see when I wake up. :)

Then I check on this boy

sometimes he wakes up and I feed him

Action figures in the fridge.... seems right....

This is where I park

What I look at all day long.... (at the moment at least, I am moving offices next week to my PERMANANT home, yay!)

Grocery Shoppimg

Hanging out with these crazy kids (they are being chickens)

Finally dinner and putting munchkins to bed!

I watch my favorite tv shows: Modern Family

and The Middle

This is my favorite snack! James got me ADDICTED to these carmel apple sugar babies.  

That's about it! :) I love my life!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

This and That


I mentioned on Saturday that I have really wanting to go hiking so later when I got home James suggested we go up to our favorite canyon to do just that. :) It was such a beautiful day! I really enjoyed it.


Monday we took Carter and Ava to the zoo. it was fun with just the little ones!

My DIY Projects

I really wanted to do something in the master bedroom but had a very small budget so I hit DI and got some frames for $1. I painted them with acrylic paint I had and i printed some things I found on Pinterest and voila, I spent like $5 (I had been wanting to try the picture on canvas project for a while so I decided to do that too with one of our family pictures

Here is the "before"

And the "after" 

A True Love Story Never Ends  

 I love us

My canvas picture... 

I had gotten this frame a while ago and just never got around to hanging it.


James is such a sweetheart. My favorite part of the day is when the kids are asleep and we just hang out. Sometimes we watch tv, James will watch whatever it is I want like the Bachelorette, or The Voice. We read scriptures and pray, we talk, sometimes we play games. Its the perfect end to a hectic day of work and kids.

Life can be hard sometimes, But it can also be so sweet. I am so thankful that I have James in my life, he makes it happy, fun and interesting. Though the hard times I have been going through lately I have peace and comfort.  Between the Lord and my dear sweet love, things are ok.

Some things that lifted me up today: