Your Journey has molded you for the greater good. It was exactly what it needed to be. Don't think you've lost time.
It took each and every situation you have encountered to bring you to the now. And now is right on time." - Asha Tyson

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

For Time And All Eternity

Our temple session started early, but as soon as my alarm went off the excitement of the day overshadowed my lack of sleep. As I got ready I felt so peaceful. So full of love. My beautiful mom was my escort and met at my house before we headed up the hill to the temple that I look at every single day as I drive home. It was starting to snow. My sister Annie, and James' mom joined us as well as James' escort Lynn, who is in our ward and along with his wife, met with James and I, weekly for our temple prep. At our sealing my friend Taelor, and Helen (Lynn's wife) joined us. It was so peaceful and lovely. And knowing that I was being sealed to the love of my life and my sweet baby boy was so wonderful.

After we were done at the temple we got some pictures outside. It was still snowing and my toes were so cold! But I wanted pictures to remember these moments.

After the pictures we headed home and I was SO HUNGRY! :) We got something to eat before we headed out for our next adventure. We stayed at Radisson Hotel. The sleep number bed was sooo comfy. We watched movies and ate dinner at Texas Roadhouse, which I had been craving all week. I felt like we were on our Honeymoon again because I felt that same excitement of being with my love.
Temple Pictures:

Here is where we stayed:


Friday, November 29, 2013

Thanksgiving 2013

Thanksgiving day I slept in a little and started watching the parade as soon as I woke up. James was unimpressed but when I showed the kids they thought it was fantastic and soon they were all in our bed watching. At 11:15 I put the turkey in the oven. He turned out delicious! James' mom came and made all the other thanksgiving food. We had mashed potatoes, stuffing, yams, silly salad, rolls, and green bean casserole. Lots of yummy food. It was actually pretty nice to not have to load up the kids for a long drive. All of James' family was able to join us. Later the  kids had all left and I got out the Christmas decorations. I listened to Christmas music and did some holiday decorating. James took me to see Catching Fire where I think I consumed more calories than at Thanksgiving Dinner! (why is movie theater popcorn SO good??) The movie was amazing, and I loved having my sweet hubby all to myself ;) We made a stop at Walmart after the movie then went home to finish the decorating. I also made my first pumpkin pies (not for thanksgiving, but we all wanted more pie on Friday) And they turned out pretty yummy.

 My slightly obstructed view of the Macy's Day Parade 

 Look at me, cooking a turkey. 

On our way to the movie!

my pumpkin pies

I love the tree! I will enjoy every second until I have to take it down. Already I have cuddled on the couch with my hot chocolate and enjoyed my tree on a few different occasions. 

Snoozy's epic arrival. I have lots of fun ideas for Snoozy this year. 

I have so very much to be thankful for. I am married to a man I am deeply in love with. And although marriage is challenging, he makes my every day a fairy tale. I am so blessed to be a mommy. I often complain about where my new little guy currently resides, but not for one second do I take for granted the ability to carry a child and be a mother. After once wondering if I would ever be blessed with children I know what an incredible miracle it is and I am thankful every single day. I have the utmost gratitude for my Savior. For the Atonement and the blessings that have been poured out upon us as I was sealed to my eternal companion and have been blessed with the priesthood in my home. What an incredible month it has been. I am excited for the upcoming holiday season and to share with our children my love and gratitude for Jesus Christ, and teach them to serve and love others. 

Friday, November 15, 2013

My birthday!

I turned 31 on Tuesday. On Monday my mom took me to dinner at Zupa's and then to Sweet Tooth Fairy for cupcakes. It was so delicious. She gave me some cute maternity clothes. I love my mom. She is so good to me. ON my birthday, after a long day at work I took a long bubble bath and went shopping with James and Carter. I got some super cute new boots, Luke Bryan CD and a cute necklace. And my sweet husband made me a birthday cake, German Chocolate my favorite! And we took me to Cold Stone for some Birthday Cake Remix. Yummmm.

Halloween 2013

Oct 30th we had Carter and Ava and took them to our ward Halloween Party. We were asked to decorate pumpkins for the centerpieces. One we decorated with spider web and spiders and the other one we modge podged fall leaves from the yard (collected by Carter and Ava) And of course pumpkin chocolate chip cookies rounded out our night. :)

 The kids went "fishing" and got little prizes 

And a cake walk

 And this is their loot from trunk or treat 

On Halloween we went trick-or-treating with Josh and Jordan. There was a tiny bit of rain but they did pretty well.  

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Pumpkin Time!

We took the kids to a pumpkin patch in Farmington called Pack's Pumpkin Farm, Then we went home and carved them, ate pizza and had donuts. It was a fun time!