Your Journey has molded you for the greater good. It was exactly what it needed to be. Don't think you've lost time.
It took each and every situation you have encountered to bring you to the now. And now is right on time." - Asha Tyson

Friday, June 8, 2012

Memorial Day 2012!

On Memorial Day we had a picnic at the park. I love being all together with my family! Its the best!

 Mom, Carter, Savannah, Savannah's friend... eating lunch!

 my two favorite boys

Mom, Jessica and Scott eating the cheesecake stuffed strawberries I made from Pinterest :)


Playing basketball

Cousin love!

Later Carter, Jordan, Josh and I made cotton candy! It was messy! I had planned to make hamburgers for dinner but the boys wanted waffles, so waffles it was! it was a great day.

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